As the owner of Rees Aerials, LLC, I am extremely proud to be part of the first ever small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), commonly referred to as drones, in the Pacific Northwest.
Last year, long before the Part 107 remote pilot certificate was announced, I intended to put this conference on as a function of my FAA duties with the FAASTeam. Political climates, budgets, and federal regulations would not allow the Spokane flight standards district office (FSDO) to do this in a manner that would draw that kind of crowds that we wanted to. Instead, we have an enormous asset in the real estate industry that was able to accomplish the same goals, and take them to a new level.
My enormous thanks go out to the Spokane Association of Realtors (SAR), with a special tip of that hat to Tom McArthur who is the Public Affairs/Communications director at SAR.
The event will be held March 21st, 2017, at the Spokane Convention Center in beautiful downtown Spokane, Washington. As an early entry in the drone / sUAS market, Rees Aerials has seen those that want to enter this up and coming market experience enormous confusion. We have done our very best to educate the public on the safe and responsible operation of unmanned systems, but this one day conference will put subject matter experts from across the industry into one room to answer any of your questions. It is a truly first of its kind event.
We are not here to sell you anything, although there will be vendors on site to offer their services and/or products. The purpose of this day is to make it possible for you to leave this conference and be an informed user. Those who are already flying drones, will benefit from the expertise in the room. Those who are wanting to get into the market, will benefit from the subject matter experts who have quite literally “Been there and done that”. Unlike the Las Vegas or Las Angeles Drone Expos, this conference is all about YOU.
Some of the personnel that you will see, is our key note speaker, the CEO of xCraft a local unmanned aircraft system designer from Coeur d’Alene, ID who was able to strike an incredible deal on the hit TV show “Shark Tank”.
In addition to an no kidding EXPERT in the field, you will be hearing from key policy makers within the FAA that helped draft the Part 107 language, regulations and restrictions that all operators must abide by, whether you are seeking a license as a commercial operator or operating as a recreational user.
We are especially proud that Rees Aerials, LLC has been asked to perform a live flight demonstration in downtown Spokane, Washington as well as offer helpful tips for operating within the extremely complex airspace that surrounds our little slice of heaven. We encourage you to register for event and join us for a day that will be well worth the price of admission.
Please click here to be directed to the registration site: Home Drone Spokane